Here I am, sitting at the kitchen table where it’s warm. There are only six more hours left of this night, this month, and this year.

I’ve been quite reflective of the lessons that I’ve been through the whole year of 2023 for months now. Each month has its own surprise learning experience. Sometimes 3 or 4 lessons in one shot.

I do not want to revisit any one of them. But I’m quite aware that January will bring the same old trouble as always.

Maybe the universe is telling me to just go off grid for real this time. I mean I seem to have a problem with electricity, fuel, water, and appliances.

We will see what the new year brings us as a family. The last few months of the year have really tested our strength and endurance and sheer will. Yesterday the washing machine went berserk. So yeah. Happy New Year!

I know that things will pass, and they have passed and somehow here we are still. Somehow things have worked out. But first the troubles had to completely end and then a new way opened.

This next year (aka tomorrow) I have the goal of getting up earlier, having clear goals, and working on them consistently throughout the year.

I will not worry, and I trust the universe will provide.

I will be working on my business, self-sufficiency, and retirement from my regular 9-5 that is slowly seeping the life out of me.

I’ll be turning 55 in March, and I am tired of all the energy for some careless entity.

It’s time for me and the family. I’m done with hustling on the side.

This is the year! The last year of working and the year that I will be making my own money and will be successful at it and will be self-sufficient.

Goodbye 2023 and thank you for the lessons.

Hello 2024, the year of positive forward moving energy.