The Wheel of the Year is all the Pagan holidays or High Days and Cross quarter days celebrated in the span of a year. There are four High Days and 4 Cross quarter days making a total of eight celebrations. This is a relatively new pagan tradition that started in the early 20th century.

Not all ancient cultures celebrated all eight festivals. Each culture had its own celebrations that were important to them. Remember that the growing season was their life and their survival depended on it. The sun and the length of days held importance. Celebrating the return of the sun was a joyous time when the colder months meant the lack of sunshine and warmth.

Think of the Wheel of the Year as a wagon wheel with eight spokes. Each spoke represents a change in season and an agricultural or religious festival to celebrate. As the wheel turns, each spoke or festival gets its turn.

Each turn of the wheel holds meaning and marks certain traditions and customs to be performed in that particular time frame. There is a season and a time for everything and certain preparations need to be prioritized so that everything gets done. This prepares your mind, body, and internal clock to be in sync with the natural rhythm of the earth and its seasons.

The High Days are the Equinoxes and the Solstices of which there are four. The Cross Quarter Days are the festivals celebrated in between the High Days.

The High Days and Cross Quarter days are as follows:

Winter Solstice / Yule (High Day)

Imbolc (Cross Quarter Day)

Spring Equinox / Ostara (High Day)

Beltaine (Cross Quarter Day)

Summer Solstice / Midsummer (High Day)

Lughnassadh (Cross Quarter Day)

Autumn Equinox (High Day)

Samhain (Cross Quarter Day)

How can we incorporate this concept into our modern life? Start simple. Mark the day and spend a portion in quiet contemplation. Think of what the change in season means to you. As you get comfortable with each season and year, you will find another layer of meaning.

There are numerous books, websites, and YouTube videos for you to learn and deepen your practice.

Enjoy the journey.


Love & Light,