In this article I’m going to explain to you the 4 steps to change your life right now so that you can have a happier life.

We all think more money will change everything for the better. So we keep changing jobs to increase our wages and try side hustles to make more money. We are all so busy being in survival mode and being too busy making a living that we are miserable. 

Sure, it’s easy to chase the money because money is the motivation for practically everything. It takes lots of money to just barely survive these days. It’s the reason for entering the workforce, strikes, and job hopping. 

But is chasing money making you happy? Do you think once you get the money that you will be happy? Even I would have said “Hell, yeah, it would make me happy.” if you asked me a year ago. Money would solve 99% of my problems. How about you?

How are you handling money now? Because that is what you will still be doing with more money. Do you just spend without knowing what’s in your account? Are you afraid to look at your balance? Do you give in to your impulses a little too much? Those behaviors will still be there. Your habits, belief system, and characteristics will still be the same.

And that is the problem. If you are not developing habits now that improve your life, the money will just be a hindrance and possibly gone in a matter of time. 

Tom Bilyeu explains in his article, I Stopped Chasing Money—Here’s What Happened: Despite how powerful money is, though, it can’t change the way you feel about yourself. That’s where most people go wrong. They want to be powerful. They want to be cool. They want to be admired, and most importantly, they want to admire themselves. But money can’t do anything to change the way you feel about yourself. Your insecurities will survive becoming wealthy. If you’re not proud of who you are, money won’t change that. If you don’t believe in yourself, money will fail you there, too.”

You see your mindset will have to change because your beliefs you have now are not serving you well for success. Also, wealthy people do not think the same way that poor people think. Us down here are on the bottom rungs are just fighting to survive. We think about how things benefit us immediately. We don’t think about the long term.

Which is why I’m 55 and do not have any savings for retirement because I’ve been too busy trying to get more money and think in terms of lack.  

Money is obviously important but once your basic needs are met, how will you be happy? All the hustle and busyness of obtaining something intangible in the future has caused you not to live in the present and be thankful for what you do have. It’s stopped you from developing much needed skills such as making do with what you have or feeling true empathy with another person.

This is evidenced by how we treat someone who has less than us. It’s pretty awful. 

But chasing money and a living is leaving us dragging our feet and leaving us feeling like the walking dead. 

Does that mean we should quit our job? I wish! Most of us will not have the choice of just quitting without years of planning and saving. 

One thing for sure is: 

Don’t Compare yourself to others.

For one you don’t really know how their life is behind the scenes. They just might really have it worse and all that you might be fake anyway.

So, what should we do instead?

The only thing we can do to make every day more bearable is by changing our mindset. If we instead change our minds to be more positive, we will make a conscious choice to be happy.

So, let’s do this instead:

Do Become the creator of your life!

Let’s change what we can in our lives right now. What is one thing that we can do now and then list steps and goals to make some changes when you can.

We came to this earth to overcome our obstacles and create things in spite of those obstacles.  

To help you to start today on making your life happier, here are 4 things to do for a happier life instead of chasing the money.

  1. Be grateful for what you have.

The number one rule in manifesting a life you truly want is by getting yourself into the vibration of the thing you want. Once that vibration matches, your desires will start flowing to you easier.

So be happy and thankful for what you do have. 

Do you have a place to live? Is it a nice big house? Or is it a little too small? Maybe it’s way too shabby and run down for your liking. Are you longing for your dream house?

Then get to making your dwelling look like the home of your dreams by decorating what you can. Put some pictures up and have some of your favorite things out to look at. Rearrange the shabby furniture and put a blanket over it. There are so many things that you can do to make a cozy place to put you in that vibration of living the good life now. Say thank you to your dwelling that keeps you out of the weather and safe. 

  1. Make do with what you have.

So, you might not have all the things you want now. There will always be a next thing to long for. Instead of running out and buying the latest of everything to keep up with the influencers, make do with what you have.

If you don’t have an ingredient that you need in cooking or baking, ask yourself if there is a substitution you could use instead.

You don’t have the latest vegetable chopper? Then chop by hand. If you don’t have a washing machine and have to go to the laundromat, then make it an outing and get all your errands done at the same time. 

If your internet is shut off, go read a book, meditate, go outside, or spend quality time with the family playing a board game.

If you want to be artistic but don’t have the tools you need, ask yourself what you have right now that you can use to be creative.

I am always improvising and making substitutions because I refuse to keep going to the store and buying things and.

For instance, I have to take my lunch to work 3 times a week. Most often I just make a peanut butter sandwich and throw some fruit in my lunch bag to snack on. Maybe I’ll bring dry cereal also for a snack. And I drink water.

Go ahead and channel your ancestors because they sure had to make do with what they had.

  1. What can you change right now?

What are some things you can change?

You can change your routine so that you can have a better outlook on life. You can change your attitude so that you can match the vibration needed for manifesting your dreams. 

You can look for another job. You can develop skills needed for your future dream job. You can paint the house, a room, mow the lawn or plant some flowers. 

Get rid of clutter or people in your life. You can change your habits and spend time on things that truly matter. 

  1. Do more of what you love or are passionate about.

One thing my mother always told me was to find a hobby that I loved because that would keep me occupied, satisfied, and interested in something. 

And she was right!

If your life has gotten to be nothing but drudgery from your job or from chasing money., ask yourself when was the last time you enjoyed yourself?

What did you used to do that you were passionate about and don’t do anymore? What would you like to do that you have always wanted to do?

Go ahead and do it!

One thing is for sure: chasing money will not make you happy.

Happiness comes from within.

So. change your mindset, change what you can in your life. Be grateful for what you do have and make do with it or make it better.

Chase your passions for the ultimate happy life. 

Don’t keep dwelling on making more money or asking yourself what your true calling or purpose is in life. 

Happiness, satisfaction, contentment, and creativity is what fuels our reason for being. This is obtained by following our passions. The reason that we have hope that things will get better. The reason to get out of bed in the morning. The way to feel truly alive!

Until Next Time,

Michele O