Did you know that we all can feel better for free? Yes, there is a free and quick resource for our physical, mental, and spiritual health?

Quick & free, you say? 

Indeed, it’s easily accessible and doesn’t cost a thing. I invite you to just step outside. The outdoors is the perfect antidote to help us feel better for free in all aspects of our health. 

The sun, atmosphere, and the earth itself has particles, electrons, and energy that our bodies crave and soak up easily. It’s almost like we were made for this earth. 

Everyone knows that sunlight is good for you in that it helps us absorb vitamin D in our bodies. But how does the atmosphere and earth help us?


The atmospheric system is the most important component for life on the planet. It’s needed for: oxygen, carbon dioxide, air, water, sunlight, and temperature. Without the atmosphere there would be no light. It also protects us from ozone and other radiations emitting from space.

In addition to protection of the atmosphere, the negative air ions (NAIs) emitting from the air help all living things including humans/animals, microorganisms, and plant life.

The benefits of the NAIs are psychological health, productivity, and overall well-being. In addition, this important system is the key principle in air filters that we use in our homes.  

NAIs can also help people in relieving symptoms of allergies to dust, mold spores, and other allergens.

So, you can in effect just step outside and reap the benefits to your psychological health and well-being from nature itself.


The earth emits a subtle electrical charge and our bodies’ cells transmit different electrical frequencies that help our heart, immune system, muscles, and nervous system run smoothly.  

In the past, humans used to go barefoot and get exposed to the earth’s electrical charge quite easily. This helped their bodies run smoothly and contributed to their psychological well-being. 

In modern times, increased mental health, physical health, and disease are on the rise. One thought pattern for this phenomenon is the fact that since the world has increasingly been industrialized, we are not directly exposing our bare feet to the earth and its electrical charge due to the wearing of footwear. 

We are in effect, disconnected from the earth.

One way of getting reconnected to the earth is called grounding or earthing. This is simply going barefoot and exposing our bare feet directly to the surface of the earth. Thereby, soaking up the electrical charge and getting grounded. The benefits of the electrical charge from the earth on our physical and mental health are tremendous. 

Grounding also helps with pain relief, reduced stress levels, and increased circulation. 

So again, just step outside barefoot and feel better for free. 


Studies have shown that being exposed to plants, flowers, trees, working in the garden, and just being outside looking at the scenery have a profound effect on not only our mental and physiological health but also our physical health. 

Being in nature helps you breathe easier and sleep better. It reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety. Studies show that being in nature also helps boost our immune system. 

It makes us smarter, stronger, healthier, happier, and more productive. 

And this is all contributed to the natural oils that plant life emits. This compound that contributes to our overall well-being is called phytoncide. One way to reap the benefits is “forest bathing” which is essential just walking through the forest. Believe it or not this is a popular hosted event that is offered by some. Indeed, nature has many healing properties to offer us. 

One just has to get outside and do some physical exercise, take a walk, or do other outdoor activities to feel better.

In conclusion going outside and exposing ourselves to the atmosphere, earth, and plant life helps with:


By exposing ourselves to electrons, electricity, and clean air we help our body’s system to be healthy. Our blood pressure and breathing will be regulated, our heart system and sleeping habits will improve. In addition, we will have increased immunity and will promote healthy cell development. 


Going out in nature helps our mental health by reducing our anxiety and depression The outdoors gives us a boost in energy which will give us the motivation to get things accomplished and to move our bodies. Also, just being outside and viewing the scenery can be an emotional refuge to our mental health.


Going outside in nature helps with our creativity, happiness, and concentration. Some studies even suggest that the outdoors even helps with ADHD, promotes awe and wonder, and contributes to people increasingly expressing kindness to one another.  

The outside world holds so many natural and free resources for us humans to live thriving satisfied creative lives.

Enjoy this resource while we can and feel better for free!

Remember sharing is caring.

Until next time.

Love & Light