Samhain is an ancient pre-Christian fire festival marking the third and final harvest and is celebrated anywhere between October 31st and the first week of November.  It is a transitional passage marking the end of the growing season and the beginning of the dark half of the year.

A time when the veil between the present world and other world is at its thinnest making communication with the spirits an easier task. This makes it a perfect time to get in touch with our ancestors for wisdom and advice on how to not only survive but to thrive in this life we are living in now.

End of the Growing Season

The last of the harvest is taken in and handled and preserved for the long winter months ahead. The livestock is taken out of the summer fields and taken to their winter home. Animals that are not going to make it through the winter for whatever reason, are processed for food. This also reduces the strain of feeding them through the winter and reduces sickness while they are in close quarters in their winter homes.

Preparations are in full sway for the long dark winter months ahead. Once again, this is a community wide festival to celebrate and honor the deities of the occasion for the success of the years growing season and for protection for the dark half of the year.

Beltaine was the beginning of summer or the light half of the year and special bonfires were lit and a ritual fire symbolizing cleansing was done. The same is done for the beginning of the dark half of the year. As is the custom, the people would light their sticks and bring it back to their hearths to relight their homes fires.


Ancestors are always honored in everyday life but also at festivals. Samhain is a special time to honor our dear loved ones because this is when the veil between the worlds is at its thinnest and communication with the spirits and our ancestors are easier. It is the perfect time to reflect on your roots and ground yourself with family traditions, memories, and gaining wisdom for your own life for this time of renewal and regeneration.


Symbolizing the spirits, the people would dress up and go door to door playing tricks and collecting treats. Thus, the origins for the modern-day customs of Halloween. Instead of carving pumpkins, they would carve turnips. And when feasting, they set a place for the dead also.

This is the beginning of the Celtic new year. A great time for divining and finding out what is in store for the upcoming year.

Preparations / Reflections

As you are making your final preparations for the winter, this is a good time to reflect on life and death; a time to honor our ancestors; a time to go within and cultivate and nurture your soul with rest, crafts, and staying warm by the fires.

How will you celebrate the end of this season and your ancestors?

Let me know in the comments.

Also, if you would like an oracle or tarot card reading, you can click on this link and I will be happy to assist you.


Photo by: Michele O’Donnell