Are you feeling stressed, worried, or anxious about things that need to be done? Are you depressed about the events going on in the world and feel that there is no hope even in your personal life? If this sounds like you, I have some good news for you. We can plug into the energy of the earth to recharge and reset our bodies, our minds, and our souls. Below are 5 simple ways to connect to nature to help with your mental health.
But first, I want to say that there is nothing wrong with you when you feel this way. We all have been in that state at one time or another. Some of us are more prone to those feelings than others. Those feelings are the body’s signal to step back, regroup, and recharge. But, to be honest, it’s hard when everything is urgent, busy, and there is an abundance of never-ending tasks and information all around us. Our minds get overloaded easily in the world out there.
In the past, I’ve suffered from extreme panic attacks from all the busyness of raising a family while working and trying to take care of all the things while barely staying above the water financially. The following are ways that have helped me and I know that they can help you also.
Disclaimer: This is NOT a replacement for your doctor’s advice or the medication you currently take. Listen to the advice of your doctor. I myself still take medication for my anxiety. You can try these suggestions in addition to your current regimen.
5 Simple Ways to Connect to Nature for Mental Health
There is a way to help make things a little better. I believe in the power of nature and the earth’s ability to heal and reenergize our mental health. These suggested activities are simple and free and you can start today.
Below are 5 simple ways to connect to nature for mental health. These suggestions aim to connect to the energy of the earth to help and support us naturally. You don’t have to do at once. Just pick one thing and make it a habit for a month and see if things are better.
Spend Time Outdoors to Connect to Nature For Mental Help
This is the most obvious; but, can be easily missed as I know all too well. There are so many other things that take our attention away from nature. Tasks that must be done inside so that it’s hard to make the time to go outside and do nothing.
Spend Time with Wildlife, Farm Animals, or Pets
While outside, pay attention to the wildlife around you: the birds chirping, the squirrels and chipmunks running around with their funny antics. Notice the occasional woodchucks in the fields. If you are close to the woods, maybe you will catch sight of a magnificent deer.
I love to spend time with my chickens and calves. They are smart, funny, and cute. And of course, our family pets. They love to be outside enjoying the earth’s energy also.
Spend Time with Trees
Trees are the ultimate witness of time and life itself. There is so much wisdom stored in the tree spirit. They are proof that you don’t have to go all crazy to make a problem be solved right this minute. It is okay to let issues resolve themselves naturally. In addition, they have witnessed generations of human behavior and have watched families grow up. Therefore, energy from the ancestors comes through also.
Go Barefoot Outside (earthing)
Connecting your bare feet to the earth’s soil and vegetation ground you to the energy and vibration of the earth. Giving you much-needed energy transfer from the earth’s electrons. The National Center for Biotechnology has an excellent article on the benefits of Earthing on our health. You can check that article out here.
Grow Vegetables, Herbs, Flowers, or Houseplants
Getting our hands in the dirt and feeling our mother’s life force is very satisfying. Plus, we get to take care of the vegetation from seedlings to harvest, witnessing their growth and lovingly taking care of them. There is something so satisfying about this process as well as preserving what we grow. The plants have captured the energy of the sun and have earth energy in them which is all beneficial to us especially through the long dark time of the year.
Step Out in Nature for Mental Health
Nature is here to support every one of us. It can reduce our stress, help with anxiety and depression. Nature can make us happy. All we have to do is step outside.
Go ahead! I challenge you to try one, two, or all the suggestions for a month and document how you feel.
And then feel free to come back here and leave a comment or email me with your results. I would love to hear from you.
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