Disclaimer: I am not a professional expert on this subject, but I have bouts of depression that I suffer from time to time. I’m sharing my experience and giving you suggestions on what has helped me manage my feelings and overcome them. I recognize that depression is a spectrum and that many factors contribute and might be more complex to treat. If you feel you need professional help, then please seek that avenue.
Are you feeling sad, empty, hopeless, anxious. Are you irritable and having trouble sleeping? Have you stopped doing activities that once brought you joy?
You may be suffering from depression.
What is Depression?
Depression is a mood disorder that includes feelings of sadness, loss, or anger which interfere with a person’s everyday activities.
According to the CDC in 2019 18.5 percent of adults had either mild, moderate, or severe symptoms of depression in any given two-week period. So, you can see that this condition is widely prevalent and common.
It’s important to realize that being sad from time to time is a normal aspect of life because it’s impossible to be happy every day.
Don’t be under the illusion that if you are not jumping in the air with happiness that you are depressed. Feeling down, sad and reflective is a normal and necessary part of life.
There are times in my own life where I feel down at least once a week and stay in the darkness for the whole day. I have learned that that is necessary for me and my life. I acknowledge it, feel it, accept it, and go through it. But I don’t let it go beyond 24 hours because I refuse to let it drown me.
The problem is when these feelings interfere with your life.
Is your job suffering because of your depression? Are you missing work? Are you unproductive? Are you bringing others down with your feelings and attitude? Are your family members having a hard time dealing with you? Are you sleeping too much? Have you stopped doing things that you once enjoyed?
Then depression is interfering with your everyday life and activities.
It’s important to look at this and examine the underlying cause because it is so common, and depression contributes to suicidal feelings and death.
What is the cause of depression?
Since depression is a prolonged condition what contributes to this deep never-ending sadness?
It could be brain chemistry, hormone levels, family genetics, trauma, medical conditions, pain, substance abuse.
But is there something beyond that?
What stories do you tell yourself every day?
Because depression can and usually involves self-loathing or a loss of self-esteem.
Are you constantly putting yourself down? Are you blaming yourself?
I invite you to please start looking at and reflecting on how you feel and treat yourself outwardly and most importantly inwardly.
Here are a few suggestions to get you out of the darkness.
14 Tips to Cope with Depression
If you find that you are thinking and talking negatively to and about yourself, try changing yourself talk to something positive. You can change your story from one of victimhood to one of inspiration.
Be Nice to Yourself
Do something nice for yourself every day. You are important and it’s vital that you treat yourself before you take care of others.
Be Nice to Others
Being nice to others is an expression of what you think of yourself. We all have the same needs and deserve kindness.
Express Your Feelings
Your feelings do need to be expressed, acknowledged, and heard. You can express them through talking to someone or writing about them. Keeping a journal is a great way to privately express your feelings and can serve in identifying patterns.
If you would like to journal, I have a link to a free journaling packet with journaling prompts to download at the end of this post. It’s a PDF and can be used for electronic journaling also.
You can also express your feelings through artwork or some other form of creativity. In fact, feeling sadness and reflection often are the fuel that drives creativity.
Spend Time Outdoors
Let nature inspire you on how to deal with your feelings and how you look and perceive an issue with your life. I guarantee that you will find a satisfying answer.
Do Something Joyful Everyday
Life is meant to be enjoyed and society is set up to make us miserable slaves. Try to do something you enjoy and look forward to everyday.
Laugh & Have Fun
Try to find something that makes you laugh. You can always watch a humorous sitcom show to help you laugh. Also don’t forget to have fun and play.
So “No” to Busyness
Being so busy and hectic helps fuel anxiety and depression. Downtime and rest are a must. Learn to recognize when you are doing too much and scale down.
Listen to Music
Sometimes only music can soothe your soul, happy or sad.
Connect to Something
Connection is a human need whether it’s to a person, group, community, cause, or our fur babies. We all have a need to belong to something or somewhere.
If you would like a group to connect with, I have a free Facebook group for woman only. We encourage and support one another in there. You will never be alone. You can join HERE!
Do What is Right for You
Don’t let society, religion, governments, or the so-called experts tell you what is right for you. Only you can determine that. That goes for education, employment, religion, and family.
Get Enough Sleep
Sometimes we just need to sleep. Some people only require 8 hours of sleep at night and some people, like me, require at least 12 hours to recuperate. Do what your body needs.
Drink Enough Water
Drink enough water for your body’s needs. Your body needs to stay hydrated to function properly.
Eat Healthy
Try to eat as healthy as you can afford to. Your body needs nutrition as well as water to function properly.
I hope these suggestions help you overcome your depression. And please, if you are still finding it difficult to cope and overcome your depression, seek professional help.
Don’t ever feel ashamed for feeling depressed. We all have feelings and need support. Some more than others and that is okay.
Do recognize that depression is a constant feeling of sadness that does not go away. But feeling down once in a while is quite normal. It’s necessary to feel your feelings and process them. Getting rid of your feelings or stuffing them down and not dealing with them will only lead to more problems.
It’s necessary and beneficial to find a nice balance between the light and the dark. Use the dark to your advantage, don’t dwell there for too long.
I promise you that things will turn around.
~ Michele O