Is there magic in the dark moon or any phase of the moon? Look around through your spiritual eyes and you will see that there is magic all around us. The power of the elements is right in front of you to help you out. You don’t have to be a “witch” to use magic or to use the power of the moon’s energy. The Earth’s magic is for everyone and this includes the magic of the moon.

Some use the dark moon for deep magic, spells, and hexes. Some use it for personal growth and healing. I tend to use it for the later.

Read here to learn more about the phases of the moon and the energy that it emits to help us in our lives.

What is the Dark Moon?

The Dark Moon is when the crescent of the waning (decrease) moon is visible no more. This usually lasts from 1 to 3 days; just before the first crescent appears in the waxing (increase) moon phase.

Moon Phases in Magic

Following the cycle of the moon, we use the waxing cycle (increase) for rituals and spells to manifest our desires. Which could be anything from money to world peace. When the moon is full that should be the full realization of our wishes. If not realized, it’s time to use the waning cycle to release whatever it is that’s holding us back from manifesting.

Even if you don’t use the moon to manifest, you can still use the powers of the moon’s energy to release whatever you desire. That something could be long-held beliefs that no longer serve you or feelings that you are ready to shed that are holding you back from living your life the way you want.

 But what is the Dark Moon used for?

Benefits of the Dark Moon

This is the end of the moon’s cycle. A time to rest, absorb, and renew ourselves.

When I think of the dark moon, I think of rest. Sweet rest out of the limelight. A time for rejuvenation.  Sometimes, when you are worn out, your body just aches and you have to rest. Sometimes, that rest is fitful and uncomfortable until you can relax. You just have to go through it.

As a woman, I think of my womb and all the feelings of inadequacy, anxiousness, and anger that have stored there that have festered that week or month.  No, this doesn’t mean that we are angry. We just have been through a lot. It’s time to sit with it and hold space for those feelings. And then release it. This is the final release before the cycle of manifesting or new beginnings is to start again.

The final release is necessary for resting, renewal, and having the energy to keep going. Indeed, this is the magic of the dark moon. It allows us to rest and renew.

Dark Moon Ritual

This is a simple ritual that I have mixed up from different sources. The internet and Pinterest are ripe with information and resources.  I read about the first affirmation from Marcela Lobos’s website The Rite of the Womb. She is the wife of the author and shamanic healer, Alberto Villoldo. I must have gotten the last affirmation from Louise Hay by the “all is well” ending. 

Go to a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. You can darken the room and put on relaxing background music if you wish.

Light a candle. This marks the start of sacred space.

Get comfortable and relax.

Place your hands on your womb. Lovingly caress it as you smile at your womanliness.


“The womb is not a place to store fear and pain. The womb is to create and give birth to life.”

“I think and speak only words of love and I am at peace with life. I only create peaceful experiences because I love myself. All is well.”

Say this as often as you wish. If inspired, you can add to it. Sit with it some more. Dream if you wish.

When you feel you are done, say thank you and simply blow the candle out.

Other Ideas

  1. Meditation
  2. Affirmations
  3. Energy healing
  4. Body massage
  5. Journeywork
  6. Resting
  7. Contemplation

There are no Rules

You can make this as simple as you want or as complicated or as deep as you want. There are no rules. Do what you are inspired to do and what feels right to you.  The above ritual is just a guideline of what is possible. Sometimes when we just start out, we could use a little direction, something simple. As we grow, we can change it up as we go.

Enjoy the process of growth and don’t stress.